Tendring Time Bank
registered charity number 1191431
At our Centre at 30a St. Osyth Road, Clacton-on-Sea, we run various activities, all chosen by the members, including: Art and Craft Days, Family Research, a Men Only afternoon, and a Drop-in afternoon to play board games or cards. The chosen board game has tiles consisting of colours and numbers, so that dyslexia, autism and brain damage do not exclude any member from participating.

Help is Always Needed!
Help is always needed at the Centre to sort donated items, dress the windows to reflect calendar events, such as Christmas, Easter, Mothers’ Day, the Saints Days, Halloween, and the Anniversary of our Open Day around the 23 April, which is also St. George’s Day.
Regular volunteers are needed to cover specific days of the week, so we can increase our opening hours, and those with some admin skills can learn to enter their own exchanges to record time credits earned, spent or donated, as well as entering group exchanges and running activity reports, and keeping a check on current membership levels.
Why Volunteer?
The main object of Time Banking is to help people to help each other, by exchanging skills and information, for Time Credits rather than money. This can be in the Time Bank Centre, at individual members’ premises or in groups, such as our walking group, the Clacton Walking and Social group.