07741 204 541 ttb30a@gmail.com

Jobseeker Support

Encouraged by the DWP, jobseekers can join Time Banking to gain experience, build skills, and exchange Time Credits.

Recognising the importance of employment and skills development, the Centre offers specific support for jobseekers. The DWP encourages jobseekers to join Time Banks, which is reflected in the Centre’s efforts to provide members with opportunities to enhance their skills and gain experience.

Volunteering at the Timebank is only expected when you have the time available, so you are always available for job interviews, and our internet is available for job searches or completion of application forms.

Time Banking allows jobseekers to volunteer their time, learn new skills, and gain practical experience that can enhance their employability. Through participation in various Centre activities and exchanges, jobseekers can improve their CVs while earning Time Credits, which they can use to receive help from others or donate to those in need. The Centre offers job search support, including CV writing and assistance with job applications, further helping members to improve their prospects of finding work while being part of a supportive community.


Selecting Tendring Time Bank as your nominated cause can earn us donations from thousands of suppliers that you may already use. By going through Easyfundraising, each time you purchase something from the supplier or comparison site, you can earn our Time Bank a percentage of your purchase or a fixed amount as specified, with no additional cost to you.
Download the Donation Reminder and, if you start a purchase from a site that gives donations, apart from Amazon, a reminder should pop up asking if you want to Activate a donation.

Why Volunteer?

The main object of Time Banking is to help people to help each other, by exchanging skills and information, for Time Credits rather than money. This can be in the Time Bank Centre, at individual members’ premises or in groups, such as our walking group, the Clacton Walking and Social group.


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