Emotional and Social Support
Members can drop in for a chat, tea, or coffee when they need company or advice. The Centre also supports individuals referred by organisations like Mind, particularly those with social anxiety or nervous dispositions.

One of the key services the organisation provides is emotional and social support, particularly to individuals who may feel isolated or vulnerable. Members are always welcome to drop in for a chat and a cuppa, providing a space for social interaction and a chance to talk to someone when feeling lonely or in need of company. The Centre is especially supportive of individuals with social anxiety or nervous dispositions, and many people are referred by Mind, a mental health charity, to benefit from the Centre’s calm and welcoming environment. Through these interactions, members can form friendships, build confidence, and reduce the sense of isolation that many people experience. The Centre’s focus on creating an inclusive, non-judgmental space makes it a haven for those seeking connection in a safe and understanding environment.
Why Volunteer?
The main object of Time Banking is to help people to help each other, by exchanging skills and information, for Time Credits rather than money. This can be in the Time Bank Centre, at individual members’ premises or in groups, such as our walking group, the Clacton Walking and Social group.