07741 204 541 ttb30a@gmail.com

Skill-sharing and Time Banking

Skill-sharing and Time Banking: Members can exchange skills and services for Time Credits instead of money. Skills include knitting, crochet, cross stitch, card making, computer skills, maths, money management, gardening, D.I.Y., and more.

Time Banking lies at the heart of the organisation’s mission. Members exchange skills and services, not for money but for Time Credits, ensuring that everyone can participate, regardless of their financial situation. Skills shared among members include knitting, crochet, cross stitch, card making, and computer skills, among many others. Members can also assist with tasks such as gardening, basic D.I.Y., and even financial literacy like maths and money management. The beauty of Time Banking is that it values every contribution equally, whether it’s a creative skill, a practical one, or simply offering companionship. Members can post their skills and needs on the “Offers and Requests” section, making it easy to connect with others. This exchange helps members gain new skills, receive help in areas where they need it, and build meaningful relationships. It promotes a community-based, cooperative economy that values time as the most precious commodity.


Selecting Tendring Time Bank as your nominated cause can earn us donations from thousands of suppliers that you may already use. By going through Easyfundraising, each time you purchase something from the supplier or comparison site, you can earn our Time Bank a percentage of your purchase or a fixed amount as specified, with no additional cost to you.
Download the Donation Reminder and, if you start a purchase from a site that gives donations, apart from Amazon, a reminder should pop up asking if you want to Activate a donation.

Why Volunteer?

The main object of Time Banking is to help people to help each other, by exchanging skills and information, for Time Credits rather than money. This can be in the Time Bank Centre, at individual members’ premises or in groups, such as our walking group, the Clacton Walking and Social group.


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Give Time, Receive Time

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